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och datavetenskap

Dokumentation och publikationer från Språkteknologigruppen

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Snabblänkar till referensmaterial





Domeij, Knutsson, Carberger, & Kann, 2000, "Granska - an efficient hybrid system for Swedish grammar checking"

@inproceedings{granska, author = {Richard Domeij and Ola Knutsson and Johan Carlberger and Viggo Kann}, title = {Granska -- an efficient hybrid system for {Swedish} grammar checking}, booktitle = "Proceedings of Nodalida '99", pages = {49--56}, address = "Trondheim, Norway", year = "2000"}

Granska - an efficient hybrid system for Swedish grammar checking (PDF)

Carlberger, Domeij., Kann, & Knutsson, 2004, "The development and performance of a grammar checker for Swedish : A language engineering perspective" Carlberger, J., Domeij, R., Kann, V., & Knutsson, O. (2004). The development and performance of a grammar checker for Swedish : A language engineering perspective. Natural Language Engineering, 1(1)
The development and performance of a grammar checker for Swedish : A language engineering perspective (PDF)

Domeij, Knutsson, Carlberger & Kann, 1999, "Granska - ett effektivt hybridsystem för kontroll av svensk grammatik" Granska - ett effektivt hybridsystem för kontroll av svensk grammatik R. Domeij, O. Knutsson, J. Carlberger, V. Kann NoDaLiDa, 49-56, december 1999.
Granska - ett effektivt hybridsystem för kontroll av svensk grammatik (Word-fil på svenska)
Granska - ett effektivt hybridsystem för kontroll av svensk grammatik (Word-fil på engelska)

Forskningsartikel som utvärderar och jämför Granska med andra grammatikgranskare:

Bigert, Kann, Knutsson, & Sjöbergh, "Grammar checking for Swedish second language learners", 2004 @incollection{call2004, author = {Johnny Bigert and Viggo Kann and Ola Knutsson and Jonas Sj\"{o}bergh}, title = {Grammar Checking for {Swedish} Second Language Learners}, booktitle = {{CALL} for the {Nordic} Languages}, pages = "33--47", publisher = "Samfundslitteratur", editor = "Peter Juel Henrichsen", year = "2004" }
Grammar checking for Swedish second language learners (PDF)

Granskas taggare

Carlberger & Kann, 1999, "Implementing an efficient part-of-speech tagger" @article{carlberger99implementing, author = "Johan Carlberger and Viggo Kann", title = "Implementing an efficient part-of-speech tagger", journal = "Software -- Practice and Experience", volume = "29", number = "9", pages = "815--832", year = "1999"}
Implementing an efficient part-of-speech tagger (PDF)

Carlberger & Kann, 2000, "Some applications of a statistical tagger for Swedish" Some applications of a statistical tagger for Swedish J. Carlberger, V. Kann Proc. 4:th conference of the International Quantitative Linguistics Association (Qualico-2000), 51-52, augusti 2000.
Some applications of a statistical tagger for Swedish (PDF)

GTA, granskas parser

Knutsson, Bigert & Kann, 2003, "A Robust Shallow Parser for Swedish" @inproceedings{gta, author = {Ola Knutsson and Johnny Bigert and Viggo Kann}, title = {A Robust Shallow Parser for {Swedish}}, booktitle = "Proceedings of Nodalida 2003", address = "Reykjavik, Iceland", year = "2003"}
A Robust Shallow Parser for Swedish (PDF)


Bigert & Knutsson, 2002, "Robust error detection: A hybrid approach combining unsupervised error detection and linguistic knowledge" @inproceedings{probgranska, author = "Johnny Bigert and Ola Knutsson", title = "Robust Error Detection: A Hybrid Approach Combining Unsupervised Error Detection and Linguistic Knowledge", booktitle = "Proceedings of Romand 2002, Robust Methods in Analysis of Natural Language Data", address = "Frascati, Italy", pages = "10--19", year = "2002"}
Robust error detection: A hybrid approach combining unsupervised error detection and linguistic knowledge (PDF)





Domeij, Hollman & Kann, 1994, "Detection of spelling errors in Swedish not using a word list en clair"@article{stava, title={Detection of spelling errors in {Swedish} not using a word list en clair}, author={Rickard Domeij and Joachim Hollman and Viggo Kann}, journal={Journal of Quantitative Linguistics}, volume="1", pages="195--201", year=1994 }
Detection of spelling errors in Swedish not using a word list en clair (PDF)

Tillenius, 1996, "Efficient generation and ranking of spelling error corrections" Efficient generation and ranking of spelling error corrections M. Tillenius NADA report TRITA-NA-E9621, 1996.
Efficient generation and ranking of spelling error corrections (PDF)

Kann, Domeij, Hollman & Tillenius, 1998, "Implementation aspects and applications of a spelling correction algorithm" Implementation aspects and applications of a spelling correction algorithm. V. Kann, R. Domeij, J. Hollman, M. Tillenius L. Uhlirova, G. Wimmer, G. Altmann, R. Koehler: Text as a Linguistic Paradigm: Levels, Constituents, Constructs. Festschrift in honour of Ludek Hrebicek, Quantitative Linguistics, vol. 60, WVT, 2001. NADA report TRITA-NA-9813, 1998.
Implementation aspects and applications of a spelling correction algorithm (PDF)


Kann, 2010, "KTHs morfologiska och lexikografiska verktyg och resurser (Morphological and Lexicographical Tools and Resources from KTH)"@misc{taggstava2, author = {Viggo Kann}, title = {{KTHs} morfologiska och lexikografiska verktyg och resurser ({M}orphological and Lexicographical Tools and Resources from {KTH})}, booktitle = "LexicoNordica 17", pages="99--117", address = {Sch{\"a}fferg{\aa}rden, Denmark}, year = "2010"}


Sjöbergh & Kann, 2004, "Finding the Correct Interpretation of Swedish Compounds a Statistical Approach"@inproceedings{compounds2004, author = {Jonas Sj\"{o}bergh and Viggo Kann}, title = {Finding the Correct Interpretation of {Swedish} Compounds a Statistical Approach}, booktitle = "Proceedings of {LREC}-2004", address = "Lisbon, Portugal", pages = {899--902}, year = "2004" }
Finding the Correct Interpretation of Swedish Compounds a Statistical Approach (PDF)

Sjöbergh & Kann, 2006, "Vad kan statistik avslöja om svenska sammansättningar?"@Article{sos, author = {Jonas Sj\"{o}bergh and Viggo Kann}, title = {Vad kan statistik avsl\"{o}ja om svenska sammans{\"a}ttningar?}, journal = {Spr{\aa}k och Stil}, year = {2006}, volume = {16}, number = {}, pages = {199--214} }
Vad kan statistik avslöja om svenska sammansättningar? (PDF)

Övriga verktyg


Bigert, Ericson & Solis, 2003, "Missplel and AutoEval: Two Generic Tools for Automatic Evaluation"@inproceedings{Bigert03toolbox, author = "Johnny Bigert and Linus Ericson and Antoine Solis", year = "2003", title = "{Missplel} and {AutoEval}: Two Generic Tools for Automatic Evaluation", booktitle = "Proceedings of Nodalida 2003", address = "Reykjavik, Iceland" }
Missplel and AutoEval: Two Generic Tools for Automatic Evaluation (PDF)


Bigert, Ericson & Solis, 2003, "Missplel and AutoEval: Two Generic Tools for Automatic Evaluation"@inproceedings{Bigert03toolbox, author = "Johnny Bigert and Linus Ericson and Antoine Solis", year = "2003", title = "{Missplel} and {AutoEval}: Two Generic Tools for Automatic Evaluation", booktitle = "Proceedings of Nodalida 2003", address = "Reykjavik, Iceland" }
Missplel and AutoEval: Two Generic Tools for Automatic Evaluation (PDF)


Rosell, 2007, "Infomat - A Vector Space Visualization Tool"@inproceedings{infomat, author = {Magnus Rosell}, title = "Infomat -- A Vector Space Visualization Tool", booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop Semantic Content Acquisition and Representation (SCAR) 2007}, address = "Tartu, Finland", year = "2007" }
Forskningsartikel: Infomat - A Vector Space Visualization Tool (PDF)


Forskningsartikel om Snålgranska:

Sjöbergh & Knutsson, 2005, "Faking Errors to Avoid Making Errors: Very Weakly Supervised Learning for Error Detection in Writing"@inproceedings{snaalgranska, author = {Jonas Sj\"{o}bergh and Ola Knutsson}, title = "Faking Errors to Avoid Making Errors: Very Weakly Supervised Learning for Error Detection in Writing", booktitle = "Proceedings of {RANLP} 2005", address = "Borovets, Bulgaria", pages = "506--512", year = "2005" }
Faking Errors to Avoid Making Errors: Very Weakly Supervised Learning for Error Detection in Writing (PDF)

Forskningsartikel som utvärderar och jämför Snålgranska med Granska och andra grammatikgranskare:

Bigert, Kann, Knutsson, & Sjöbergh, "Grammar checking for Swedish second language learners", 2004 @incollection{call2004, author = {Johnny Bigert and Viggo Kann and Ola Knutsson and Jonas Sj\"{o}bergh}, title = {Grammar Checking for {Swedish} Second Language Learners}, booktitle = {{CALL} for the {Nordic} Languages}, pages = "33--47", publisher = "Samfundslitteratur", editor = "Peter Juel Henrichsen", year = "2004" }
Grammar checking for Swedish second language learners (PDF)

Forskningsartikel om en liknande grammatikgranskningsmetod:

Sjöbergh, "Chunking: an Unsupervised Method to Find Errors in Text" 2005 @inproceedings{chunks2005, author = {Jonas Sj\"{o}bergh}, title = {Chunking: an Unsupervised Method to Find Errors in Text}, booktitle = {Proceedings of NODALIDA 2005}, address = "Joensuu, Finland", year = "2005"}
Chunking: an Unsupervised Method to Find Errors in Text (PDF)


Sjöbergh, 2003, "Stomp, a POS-tagger with a different view"@inproceedings{stomp2003, author = {Jonas Sj\"{o}bergh}, title = {Stomp, a {POS}-tagger with a different view}, booktitle = "Proceedings of {RANLP}-2003", pages ="440--444", address = "Borovets, Bulgaria", year = "2003" }
Stomp, a POS-tagger with a different view (PDF)


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Uppdaterad 2020-08-18